KFC Add Hope donates 19 000 face masks to beneficiary network

February 12, 2021

Unused KFC uniforms repurposed to make face masks, with the help of Hygiene Disposables

11th February 2021 - KFC and Hygiene Disposables have partnered together to supply learners that are supported through the KFC Add Hope programme with face masks made from unused KFC uniforms. To date 19 000 face masks, valued at over R200 000, have been supplied through this initiative, reaching all 9 provinces.

“Given the ongoing impact of this pandemic, we wanted to find a sustainable way in which to support the health and safety of learners during their schooling. Not only this, but we recognise the need to help the schools themselves, which have been struggling to ensure they remain COVID compliant, given the lack of adequate support and supplies,” says Andra Nel, CSI Manager at KFC South Africa.

According to The National School Readiness Survey, which draws on responses from schools across the country, just over 73% of national schools indicated that they still do not have enough face masks for learners when they are scheduled to return to school on 15 February 2021.

Roscoe Hanna, at Hygiene Disposable says, “KFC have such deep roots across the South African communities through their KFC Add Hope initiative – and this partnership with them meant we were able to directly reach and support the schools that need the help the most.” 

The masks have been distributed by long-standing Add Hope network partners including Afrika Tikkun, HOPE worldwide and Africa Food For Thought.

“If we are going to get through this pandemic, then ensuring we continue to show our support to children who need it most is critical,” adds Nel. “We also want to make sure our KFC Add Hope beneficiaries are properly equipped, and therefore providing them with these face masks not only ensures we are repurposing unused uniforms but using them to create a safer learning environment during this time.” 

“We know that the only way we will get through this pandemic, is together. Reaching out supporting where we can. Since 2009, the KFC Add hope programme remains committed to helping children thrive, whether it’s providing nutritious food through our feeding scheme or helping to keep them safe and healthy. To date KFC Add Hope helps feed over 150 000 children everyday across the country. We know, that through the cumulative effect of collective efforts we can create a better future for our children,” concludes Nel.