

June 10, 2021

Last week, KFC UK & Ireland announced its latest commitment to tackle litter around restaurants with a set of new initiatives. Launched in celebration of its partnership with Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean, KFC UKI’s latest litter initiatives will look to improve the wellbeing and future of the local communities in which KFC operates.

With people spending time closer to home in the past year, the impact of litter across high streets, retail sites, parks and other green spaces has become an ever-increasing problem for local communities, businesses, and government. The new pledge from our UKI team looks to tackle the industry problem head on.

As part of the new initiatives, KFC UKI has created a Litter Line mailbox, giving local communities a direct line into the team’s head office to answer all issues related to litter. With its sole focus on solving local litter woes, this dedicated Litter Line will give anyone concerned about KFC litter quick and direct access to help there and then.

KFC UKI is also introducing new training for its 28,000 team members to increase their knowledge of the environmental impact of litter; and will be seeking to partner with local councils initially in five regions across England to roll out targeted, pilot programmes around tackling litter and exploring longer term and local solutions.

This new set of initiatives builds on KFC UKI’s existing litter strategy, which encourages its 960 restaurants to undertake three litter picks a day.

To mark the start of this year’s Great British Spring Clean, KFC team members in more than 600 KFC restaurants participated in a nationwide litter pick on 1st June, joining forces to underline the brand’s renewed pledge in looking after the wellbeing and future of local communities.