
KFC MENAPakT finds a new way to celebrate Eid

May 13, 2021

This week, we had our very first Virtual Regional Eid Celebration in KFC MENAPakT (Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan, Turkey) with more than 150 participants from 14 different countries. It was truly an example of our inclusive culture as Franchise Partners, 2021 Colonel Club Member RGMs, and Restaurant Support Center (RSC) colleagues were all in attendance.

RSC colleagues and Franchise partners shared what Ramadan and Eid mean to them, how they are celebrating Eid, what their unique traditions are, and their best Eid experiences. It was really great to learn from each other's personal stories and realize how unique and special Eid is in different countries around the world but also how many common traditions we have. Our leaders also shared their Eid celebration messages. The virtual celebration finished off with a round a trivia via Kahoot with prizes up for grabs.

During Ramadan and Eid, the spirit of inclusion is amplified and KFC truly brings its best self by embracing our unique culture and traditions. We know times are tough for many at the moment and celebrating Eid with our families and loved ones isn’t possible in many parts of the world due to certain restrictions. So it was extra special that we didn’t let COVID stop us from celebrating it together as one big KFC family with our Franchisee Partners.