
HYPE Presents: 35 Under 35 — Elizabeth Edrington

November 24, 2021

HYPE (Hungry Young Professionals Engaging) is an ERG based in the Lousiville, Kentucky campus. They recently launched their 35 under 35 campaign which aims to highlight 35 young professionals from now until the end of the year who are making a difference in our company and practicing allyship. Learn more about Elizabeth, Communication Coordinator for the KFC Foundation, below:

What is a recent achievement you wish to share?

We recently launched our revamped website - - which has been a dream for the past two years or so. I led the charge to start the website redesign project and worked closely with our amazing web designer Reggie Davis to bring the new site to fruition - and it looks sharp, if I do say so myself. ;) I can't take much credit - Reggie did a phenomenal job on the design and creation. I was mainly there to provide moral support, copy, testimonials, and guidance as needed. :) In tandem with the new site, we also launched our first-ever digital Annual Report! Again, Reggie blew it out of the water, making it engaging, interactive and poignant - so much more fun than a printed booklet! This is one of my big projects every year, where I write all the copy and provide strategic direction and insight into how we want the report to look and feel. I'm absolutely delighted with how it all turned out!

How are you an ally/practicing allyship for an underrepresented community?

I have a long way to go in my allyship journey (as I always will), but I make a constant effort to listen to and learn from anyone and everyone who is different than me. I have absolutely loved all the DEI&B opportunities KFC has provided to us. I completed the first Inclusive Leadership course available in July, and just wrapped another Inclusive Leadership pilot course. I'm a firm believer in continual learning and self-reflection to help myself become a better ally, friend, coworker and human. There is always a blind spot I could work on, always a new perspective I could grow from, always a way I could do more to amplify the voices of underrepresented communities. I love the quote from Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” We should always be striving to know better so we can do better. Not knowing is valid for a moment in time, but if you're not making an effort to learn, know and grow, then you're choosing to be part of the problem. We must continually take a humble stance and opinion when talking with someone different than us (which is actually everyone), continually seek to grow in our perspectives and understanding of others and continually urge those around us to do the same.

What's a company/organization you think is making an impact for growth and good?

I know it's cliche, but I really think Yum! and KFC are making the right moves toward a more equitable workplace for all. Something that really has me excited is the new Yum! Center for Global Franchise Excellence, which is going to focus on recruiting and educating underrepresented people of color and women on the possibilities of franchising as a pathway to entrepreneurship. This is huge and so needed. Excited to see the positive changes that come from this effort in the years ahead!

What is your career aspiration/goal? Do you have a "dream position"?

I'm still working on trying to figure this one out. ;) I know I want to make a positive difference in whatever I do. I'm a big details person and love implementing and executing a new program, initiative, or project, so I like the thought of project management in some capacity. I'd love to be a coach one day and develop the people on my team.

What is your favorite menu item from any of our brands (it's ok if it's not your brand)?

Right now, it's KFC cole slaw, because cole slaw sales fund the KFC Foundation! $1.23 from every case of cole slaw sold at participating restaurants goes directly to the KFC Foundation! But in 2022, it's going to be Secret Recipe Fries because we're switching our menu surcharge item from cole slaw to fries starting Jan. 2, 2022 (and also the fries are DELICIOUS)! #coleslawchangeslives to #frieschangelives :)