
Celebrate Earth Day the KFC Way

April 22, 2022

A new KFC restaurant opens somewhere in the world every 3.5 hours, so it’s never been more important for us to grow sustainably and minimize our environmental impact. In recognition of Earth Day, check out how our markets across the world are flexing their “green” muscles via Earth-friendly initiatives. 

Zero Carbon Visions in UK & Ireland

KFC UK & Ireland is partnering with the University of Liverpool’s Zero Carbon Research Institute (ZCRI) to help drive our ambition to become a net zero carbon business by 2040 or sooner. ZCRI will also help us become a circular zero waste business in food, packaging, and materials by 2035.

Eco Cars in Mongolia 

Check out these super cute electric cars that KFC Mongolia tested as part of their “So Green” initiative. These e-cars not only give KFC a competitive advantage with regards to being able to drive around downtown in Mongolia’s capital city, Ulaanbaatar, but also offer a much more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional vehicles with internal combustion engines.

Bamboo Buckets in Canada

Across the last two years, KFC Canada has transitioned all poutine buckets to bamboo, which helps KFC Canada eliminate 55 tons of plastic waste annually. Additionally, they’re aiming to make all packaging home compostable by 2025. 

Thailand takes on sustainable design & consumption

KFC Thailand currently has two stores built with sustainable design and zero-waste material decoration, which enables each store to help save energy worth more than $6,000 per year. Additionally, they’ve launched plant-based menu items to support sustainable consumption.

Spring Cleaning Anyone?

Earlier this month, 3,000 KFC UK & Ireland team members took part in the Great British Spring Clean, in partnership with Keep Britain Tidy, and helped collected more than 20,000 bags of rubbish!